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Role of India in International Affairs

India has a number of strengths that make it a potential major player in international affairs

These include:

  • A large and growing population: India is the world's second most populous country, with a population of over 1.3 billion people. This gives India a large domestic market and a large pool of potential workers.
  • A growing economy: India's economy has been growing rapidly in recent years, and it is now one of the world's largest economies. This gives India the resources to invest in its military and other areas that are important for international influence.
  • A strong military: India has a large and well-equipped military. This gives India the ability to project power in the region and to protect its interests.
  • A growing diplomatic influence: India has been increasing its diplomatic engagement with other countries in recent years. This has helped India to build relationships with other countries and to increase its influence on the world stage.
However, India also faces a number of challenges that could hinder its ability to become a major player in international affairs

These include:

  • A weak infrastructure: India's infrastructure, such as its roads, railways, and airports, is in need of improvement. This could make it difficult for India to connect with other countries and to project power.
  • A high level of poverty: India is still a poor country, with a large number of people living in poverty. This could make it difficult for India to invest in its military and other areas that are important for international influence.
  • A lack of unity: India is a diverse country, with a number of different ethnic and religious groups. This could make it difficult for India to build consensus on foreign policy issues.

Overall, India has the potential to become a major player in international affairs. However, it faces a number of challenges that could hinder its ability to achieve this goal.

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