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Who am I?

A pure philosophical question. In a world where almost everyone interested to know about others opinion about you, did you ever look inward and see who are true-self? Are you the body? Are you the mind? Or something else? The question of who you are has occupied Western thought for centuries resulting in a diverse tapestry of perspectives. The Enlightenment era brought forth emphasis on the individual as a rational being capable of independent thought and judgment. This led to concepts like personal freedom, individual rights, and the pursuit of self-knowledge. Thinkers like Descartes with his famous "Cogito ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am") and John Locke with his ideas on individualism and personal identity solidified this notion. Empiricist philosophers like John Locke and David Hume argued that our knowledge and understanding of the world are shaped by our experiences. Our senses and interactions with the environment form the foundation of who we are and

New Year

In the Cosmic Calendar our home, planet Earth, is adding another year to the 13.8 billion-year history. This emphasizes the briefness of our individual lives and human history within the vastness of cosmic time. New Year symbolizes a small but significant milestone in the ongoing evolution of the universe. It represents the continuation of life's journey on our planet as it continues to spin around the Sun. New Year coincides with the Northern Hemisphere's the shortest day of the year. So this event marks the gradual return of sunlight and longer days, symbolizing renewal and rebirth. Different cultures celebrate their new year at different times. But as a universally accepted calendar, New Year's day on the Gregorian Calendar is celebrated by all cultures. So New Year's Day can be considered as a celebration of the humanity on Earth. New Year's day is a time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the year ahead. They can be big or small, personal or profe


Religion is a system of beliefs and practices that related to humanity, to spirituality and to moral values. These beliefs can center around deities, sacred texts, or guiding principles. The rituals, ceremonies, and shared practices are aimed to connect individuals with the divine or with a deeper spiritual meaning in life. Religious beliefs encompass concepts of God or gods, the afterlife, the soul, and the origins of the universe. Religious beliefs can also touch on morality, ethics, and the purpose of life. Religious practices are rituals, ceremonies, and observances that express and reinforce religious beliefs. They can range from daily prayers and meditations to elaborate festivals and pilgrimages. Throughout history religion has played a significant role in shaping societies, cultures, and individuals. On the positive side, religion offer: Meaning and purpose : Religious frameworks can provide individuals with a sense of meaning and purpose in life, answering fundamental ques


Virtues are positive traits of character that enable us to live a good and meaningful life. They are dispositions that help us make good choices and act in ways that benefit ourselves and others. There are many different virtues, but some of the most commonly recognized include: Cardinal Virtues: Prudence : Wise judgment and the ability to make sound decisions. Justice : Fairness and a commitment to treating others equitably. Fortitude : Courage and resilience in the face of adversity. Temperance : Moderation and self-control. Moral Virtues: Honesty and Integrity : Truthfulness and consistency in one's words and actions. Compassion and Kindness : The ability to understand and care for the suffering of others. Generosity and Charity : The willingness to give to others without expecting anything in return. Fidelity and Loyalty : Commitment and dedication to others, especially in relationships. Intellectual Virtues: Wisdom : Deep understanding and knowledge of oneself

Social Hierarchy

A social hierarchy is a system of social organization in which some individuals enjoy a higher social status than others. Social hierarchies exist in all societies, and they can be based on a variety of factors, such as wealth, power, prestige, and occupation. There are two main types of social hierarchies. The open social hierarchies are those in which individuals can move up or down the social ladder based on their own merit or achievements. The closed social hierarchies are those in which individuals are born into their social position and cannot change it. We can see hierarchies in all walks of life in the past and the present. In feudal societies, it was based on land ownership. In caste societies, it is determined by birth and remains fixed for life. In class societies, it is based on wealth, power, and prestige. In the workplace, it can be based on factors such as job title, salary, and seniority. In schools, it can be based on factors such as popularity, athletic ability, and

Skills for the Future

What are the skills that are likely to be in demand in the future? These skills are needed to succeed in a world that is increasingly changing and evolving. The world of work is constantly evolving, and the skills that are in demand today may not be the same as those that will be needed in the future. However, there are some core skills that are always in high demand, regardless of the industry or job title. Here are some of the most demanding skills of today: Critical thinking and problem-solving : The ability to think critically and solve problems is essential for success in any field. Critical thinkers can analyze information, identify patterns, and develop creative solutions to complex problems. They are also able to adapt to change and think on their feet. Creativity and innovation : Creativity and innovation are essential for driving growth and progress. Creative individuals are able to come up with new ideas and solutions to problems. They are also able to think outside the

Myths and Legends

Myths and legends are both traditional stories that have been passed down through generations. Myths are typically set in a time before history, or in a timeless realm. They often feature gods, heroes, or superhuman beings, and they explain natural phenomena or the origins of human customs and beliefs. Myths are often symbolic and can be interpreted on multiple levels. Myths are often characterized by their fantastical elements and their use of symbolism to convey deeper meanings. They are passed down through generations, often orally, and can evolve over time. Legends, on the other hand, are typically set in the historical past or in a specific location. They often feature real people or places, but the stories have been exaggerated or embellished over time to become more fantastical and exaggerated. Legends may explain historical events, natural phenomena, or the origins of local customs. They are often based on a kernel of truth, but they have been embellished over time to becom


Holidays are days or periods of time set aside for festivals or recreation. They are often associated with religious or cultural celebrations, but can also be secular in nature. Holidays can be observed by individuals, families, communities, or entire nations. There are many purposes for holidays. Some holidays are celebrated to commemorate important historical events or religious figures. Others are celebrated to mark the changing of the seasons. Still others are simply celebrated for fun and relaxation. Here are some of the most common reasons why people celebrate holidays: Connect with family and friends : Holidays are a time to come together with loved ones and celebrate the things that are important to you. They provide an opportunity to catch up, reminisce, and create new memories. Express gratitude : Many holidays are a time to reflect on the good things in your life and to express your gratitude to others. This can be done through acts of service, gift-giving, or simply spe


Human consciousness is a complex phenomenon that generally refer to the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings. Consciousness encompasses a wide range of mental phenomena, including thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and memories. One of the key features of human consciousness is its subjectivity. Each individual's experience of consciousness is unique and private. We cannot directly experience the consciousness of others. This makes it difficult to study consciousness scientifically, as we are limited to our own subjective experiences. Another important feature of human consciousness is the qualitative experiences of consciousness, such as the redness of red, the pain of a toothache, or the smell of coffee. They are difficult to define or explain. It is one of the main challenges for the scientists to study consciousness. Despite the challenges, there has been significant progress in our understanding of consciousness in recent years. Scientists have ide


Habits are automatic behaviors that we perform regularly. They are formed through repetition and can be good or bad. Good habits can help us achieve our goals and live healthier and more fulfilling lives, while bad habits can hold us back and cause problems. Habits are formed when we create a neural pathway in our brains. The more we repeat a behavior, the stronger the neural pathway becomes, and the easier it becomes to perform the behavior without thinking about it. This is why habits can be so powerful and difficult to break. There are four key elements to forming a habit: Cue : The cue is the trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and perform the habit. Cues can be internal, such as a feeling or thought, or external, such as a time of day or location. Craving : The craving is the desire to perform the habit. It is driven by the expectation of the reward that you will receive for performing the habit. Response : The response is the actual behavior that you perf

The Inca Trail

Recently hiked the Inca Trail, a 26-mile (42-kilometer) hiking trail that leads to the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu. The trail is located in the Andes Mountains of Peru and is considered to be one of the most popular hiking trails in the world. Machu Picchu is one of the well known UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are over 1,100 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in over 160 countries. These sites are considered to be of outstanding universal value to humanity and are protected by international law. These sites are important because they represent the diversity of human culture and the natural world. The Inca Trail was built by the Incas in the 15th century. It was used by the Incas to travel to Machu Picchu and other important sites in the Andes Mountains. The trail is well-preserved and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The ancient Inca civilization was a powerful empire that dominated South America in the 15th and early 16th centuries. The Incas

Life Changing Events

Change is a part of life, and it can be difficult to handle at times. Major life events, spiritual experiences, discoveries, or personal growth have the potential to make a lasting impact on our lives. It can also help us to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. But everyone's life is different, and what changes one person's life forever may not have the same impact on someone else. Is it money? Money can certainly change a person's life in many ways. It can provide financial security, allow for better education and healthcare, and open up new opportunities. Money is necessary for basic needs. After these needs are satisfied the effect of more money is not the same. Winning the lottery can be a life-changing event. A significant number of lottery winners end up going broke within a few years of winning. This is often due to poor financial planning and impulsive spending. Is it education? Education is one of the most important things that can change a person'

Are humans selfish?

There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that humans are indeed selfish creatures. For example, we often engage in behaviors that are designed to benefit ourselves, even at the expense of others. This can be seen in everything from our competitive nature to our tendency to cheat or lie to get ahead. Additionally, we often make decisions that are based on our own personal gain, even when we know that those decisions will have negative consequences for others. There is also evidence to suggest that humans are capable of great altruism and selflessness. For example, we often donate to charity, volunteer our time to help others, and put ourselves at risk to save others. We also form strong social bonds with others and are willing to sacrifice for the sake of our loved ones and communities. There are many different theories about the origins of human selfishness. Some believe that it is an innate trait, while others believe that it is learned through experience. Some of the most commo

What do we want?

Human beings need many things to survive and thrive. Some of the most basic needs include: Food and water : Humans need to eat and drink regularly to survive. Shelter : Humans need a safe place to live and sleep. Clothing : Humans need clothing to protect themselves from the elements and to maintain their body temperature. Sleep : Humans need to sleep regularly to rest and repair their bodies and minds. Healthcare : Humans need access to healthcare to maintain their health and prevent and treat illness. In addition to these basic needs, humans also have a number of social and emotional needs, including: Love and belonging : Humans need to feel loved and accepted by others. We need to feel like we belong to a family, community, or other social group. Safety and security : Humans need to feel safe and secure in their environment. This includes feeling physically safe and having a sense of emotional security. Purpose and meaning : Humans need to feel like their lives have meani

Ancient Greeks Wisdom on Relationships

The ancient Greeks had a lot to say about love and relationships. They believed that love was a fundamental part of the human experience, and they developed a complex understanding of its different forms. The ancient Greeks identified eight different types of love, each with its own unique characteristics and qualities. These are: Eros : Passionate love, often associated with sexual desire. It is the most physical and intense form of love. Philia : Friendship love, based on mutual respect and affection. It is a deep and lasting love that is not necessarily sexual. Agape : Selfless love, based on compassion and understanding. It is the highest form of love, and it is often associated with love for God or for humanity as a whole. Pragma : Practical love, based on commitment and shared values. It is a mature and enduring love that is not easily shaken by challenges. Ludus : Playful love, based on fun and laughter. It is a light-hearted and carefree form of love that is not meant to

Social Media Influence

Social media influence is the ability of an individual or group to affect the thoughts, opinions, and behaviors of others through social media. Social media influencers are people who have a large following on social media and who are able to use their platform to promote products, services, or ideas. Social media influence can have both positive and negative effects. On the positive side, social media influencers can be used to spread positive messages, promote social change, and connect people with each other. On the negative side, social media influencers can also be used to spread misinformation, promote harmful stereotypes, and encourage unhealthy behaviors. Here are some of the ways that social media influence can impact our lives: Socialization and connection : Social media can help us stay connected with friends and family, even if we are not able to see them in person. It can also help us connect with people who share our interests, beliefs, or experiences. Information and


A mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. There are two main types of mindsets: fixed and growth. Fixed mindset is the belief that your abilities are fixed and cannot be changed. People with a fixed mindset believe that they are born with certain talents or abilities, and that there is nothing they can do to improve them. Growth mindset is the belief that your abilities can be developed and improved through hard work and effort. People with a growth mindset believe that they can learn and grow, no matter how old they are. Here are some of the key differences between fixed mindset and growth mindset: Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset Believes that intelligence and abilities are fixed. Believes that intelligence and abilities can be developed. Avoids challenges. Seeks out challenges. Gives up easily.

War of Narratives

A narrative is a story or account of a series of related events or experiences. Narratives can be presented through a sequence of written or spoken words, through still or moving images, or through any combination of these. A war of narratives is a conflict in which opposing sides use different stories, framings, and interpretations of events to try to gain the upper hand. Narratives are all around us. They are in the books we read, the movies we watch, and the songs we listen to. Narratives are a powerful way to communicate ideas and emotions. They can be used to teach, to entertain, to persuade, and to create a sense of community. Narratives can have a powerful influence on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Here are some of the ways that narratives can influence us: They can help us make sense of the world : When we are faced with a new or unfamiliar situation, we often turn to narratives to help us understand it. Narratives provide us with a framework for making sense of e

Adapting Socio-Cultural Changes

Sociocultural changes are the changes that occur in the way people live, work, and interact with each other. These changes can be slow or rapid, and they can be driven by a variety of factors, such as technological advances, economic shifts, and political upheaval. Adapting to sociocultural changes can be challenging, but it is essential for individuals and societies to thrive. There are a number of strategies that can help people adapt to sociocultural changes, including: Being open to new ideas and experiences : It is important to be willing to try new things and to be open to different ways of thinking. This will help you to be more adaptable to change. Developing a strong support network : Having a strong network of friends, family, and colleagues can provide you with support during times of change. They can also offer you advice and guidance on how to adapt to new circumstances. Learning new skills : As the world changes, it is important to keep your skills up-to-d

Why humans fight?

Through out history humans have been fighting long and bloody wars for land, resources, religion, and ideology. Wars have caused death, destruction, and suffering on a massive scale. They have also led to great political and social changes in the world. Humans are naturally aggressive animals. We have evolved to fight for resources, territory, and mates. We have a strong fight-or-flight response, which can make us more likely to fight when we feel threatened. Humans also fight for social reasons. We may fight to defend our beliefs, our group, or our honor. We may also fight to achieve a goal, such as gaining power or territory. Our social relationships can also play a role in conflict, as we may fight to protect our friends and family, or to gain status in our group. There are many people who are peaceful and non-violent. However, conflict is a natural part of human society, and it is likely that humans will continue to fight for many years to come. In the past we fought for: Land