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Divisions in the Society

Divisiveness in society is the state of being divided or separated into factions or groups with opposing opinions or beliefs. It can be caused by a number of factors like: differences in values and beliefs, afraid or uncertain about the future, or lack of communication.

In the past when the tribal culture was the way of life people were more focused on cohesiveness rather than divisiveness. Tribal culture was based on the shared values and beliefs of a group of people who are descended from a common ancestor. Tribal cultures are often characterized by a strong sense of community, a close connection to the land, and a respect for tradition. It made possible for people to communicate with each other, to cooperate on shared goals, and to live together in peace But there were divisions in the tribal society also caused by factors like geography, history and religion. These tribal divisions have often led to conflict and violence.

In tribal culture unity and sense of community was essential for survival. So they identified strongly with their own tribal culture. The divisions within the same tribe was minimal. The size of the population and geographical area they occupy was small which also minimize the divisions in those societies.

In the modern era, individualism has become increasingly important as people have become more focused on their own personal goals and interests. It breaks traditional cultural constructs like community, family, and shared values. Social media has allowed people to connect with others who share their interests and values. This has helped people to feel more connected to their own individual identities regardless of geographical boundaries.

Some of the positive consequences of individualism include:

  • Increased personal freedom: Individuals have more freedom to make their own choices and to live their lives the way they want.
  • Increased self-expression: Individuals are more able to express their own unique identities and to live their lives authentically.
  • Increased creativity: Individuals are more able to think outside the box and to come up with new and innovative ideas.
Some of the negative consequences of individualism include:
  • Increased isolation: Individuals may feel more isolated and lonely as they become more focused on their own personal goals and interests.
  • Increased competition: Individuals may feel more pressure to compete with others and to achieve success.
  • Increased narcissism: Individuals may become more self-centered and less concerned about the needs of others.
Now, there are many different divisions in society both visible and invisible.These divisions can make it difficult for people from different groups to understand and respect each other. These divisions have been driven by a variety of factors including:
  • Race and ethnicity: The last century has seen a number of major conflicts related to race and ethnicity, including the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, the decolonization of Africa and Asia, and the Rwandan genocide. These conflicts have often been based on the belief that one race or ethnicity is superior to another.
  • Gender: The last century has also seen a number of significant changes in the way that gender is viewed. The women's suffrage movement, the sexual revolution, and the #MeToo movement have all challenged traditional gender roles and expectations. These changes have led to greater equality for women, but they have also created new divisions between men and women.
  • Religion: Religion has been a source of division in society throughout history, and the last century has been no exception. The rise of religious extremism has led to violence and conflict in many parts of the world. In addition, the increasing secularization of some societies has led to tensions between religious and non-religious people.
  • Social class: Social class has always been a source of division in society, but the last century has seen a growing gap between the rich and the poor. This gap has been exacerbated by globalization and the advancement of technology. The result has been a society that is increasingly divided between the haves and the have-nots.
  • Political ideology: Political ideology has also been a source of division in society. The Cold War, for example, was a period of intense ideological conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. This conflict led to proxy wars in many parts of the world and to a deep distrust between countries.
These divisions have had a profound impact on the way that people live and interact with each other. They have also led to conflict, violence, and discrimination. It is important to be aware of these divisions and to work to overcome them. We need to create a more just and inclusive society where everyone can feel welcome and respected.

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